
  • AGATE -Is seen as a healing stone of calm, good luck and wealth. It tends to have a gentle energy that works on the subtle bodies energies Great for achieving stability and balance.
  • AMETHYST - Known as the stone of calmness and tranquility. It calms the mind and dissolves anxiety. Amethyst also strengthens intellect and intuition bringing clarity. Excellent for meditation and healing.
  • BLACK OBSIDIAN-A powerful cleaner of psychic smog created within your aura. It is also a stone for balancing out your home and keeping space protected
  • BLUE HOWLITE - DYED . It has the same properties as white howlite. It also balances and evens out mood fluctuations and brings inner peace
  • BRECCIATED JASPER - A stone of protection especially during astral travel. It brings happiness, a good outlook on life and eases stress
  • CARNELLIAN -Aligns the physical and Etheridge bodies. It enhances attunement with the inner self

    CITRINE - Detoxifies the physical and Etheridge bodies. Enhances the body’s healing energy. Raises self esteem, promotes alignment with inner self. Light hearted ness, cheerfulness , hope . Warming attracts abundance.
  • DALMATION JASPER -It removes disillusionments and helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses. Increases loyalty and benefits long term relationships
  • DRAGONS BLOOD JASPER -Encourages spiritual growth and supports spiritual self healing. It provides strength, courage and purpose to help face difficulties and heal repressed emotional issues
  • FLUORITE -Grounds excess energy. Enhances concentration, meditation. Helps one to grasp abstract concepts.
  • GOLDSTONE - Clears and energisers the chakras. It dissipates fearfulness,alleviates stress and increases vitality
  • GOLDSTONE BLUE - A Man made stone, it is a valid classification as it has many properties of natural glass and copper. Gently uplifting it is also helpful in reducing stomach tension.
  • HONEY JASPER -Is a solar plexus chakra stone that gently amplifies your energy during the challenges of change
  • LEOPARD JASPER - Helps the wearer to fulfill all the requirements which a person needs for physical healing
  • MOOKAITE- Provides a stimulous to improve oneself. It renews the passion and enhances physical vitality
  • MOONSTONE -Introspection, reflection, beginnings , insight, tenderness , harmony, peace , travel intuition, psychosomatic protection
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